Warmer, drier spring forecast – be bushfire ready

Published on Monday, 13 November 2023 at 10:37:28 AM

Winter rainfall in southern WA has been below average, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s climate outlook for October to December.

A drier and warmer than average spring forecast has the potential to impact planning burning in some areas, and bushfires may be more difficult to suppress die to higher fuel loads. This means it's important for the Plantagenet community to stay alert and prepare their properties throughout spring.

Dangerous bushfires can start at any time. It’s important to understand your risks and plan what you’ll do to stay safe when a bushfire threatens your home and family, including your pets.

Take five minutes to discuss the following with your family:

  • When will you leave?
  • What will you take?
  • Where will you go?

Other steps you can take to stay safe include:

  • Read through the resources available at mybushfireplan.wa.gov.au.
  • Stay up to date with daily Fire Danger ratings and act accordingly.
  • Prepare or list the items in your emergency kit – important documents, photos, clothing, first aid kit, drinking water, wallet, medications, phone/laptop and chargers, house and car keys and pet supplies.
  • Manage the vegetation around your home. Ensure you have a 20m asset protection zone. This is a low fuel zone no more than 5cm in height.
  • Clean your gutters and move any flammable material away from the building. This includes wood piles, shoes and shoe racks, welcome mats and similar items.
  • Talk to your neighbours and help them prepare their property – they may not be as able as you.
  • Look out for the Bushfire Ready community-led program and street meets.
  • The Burn Smart program is coming soon. This will give you the confidence to be able to conduct your own small burns on your property.

Further information about preparing your property for the upcoming bushfire season is available from the DFES website.





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