Welcome to the Club's Corner
Your Community Development Officer is here to provide support to local sport and recreation clubs in their short and long-term development including:
- Club development information;
- Relevant club development training, education, information workshops/programs and opportunities; and
- Funding opportunities.
Community Development Officer
Phone 9892 1111 or email [email protected]
Club Handbook
The Shire of Plantagenet has developed a handbook to support committees with the running of their sporting club and to increase club knowledge held now and in the future.
This handbook provides guidance for committee members new and old, assists with the efficient and effective running of your club, and provides support to new committee members during the handover of a role. The nature of running a sporting club has changed in recent times with higher levels of governance and transparency required.
Click here to access a pdf copy.
Please contact us if you would like to get a printed copy.
Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy
The Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme (ATSS) provides a funding subsidy to assist talented athletes who reside in regional Western Australian with out-of-pocket travel and accommodation costs to compete at regional, State and national championships or events.
Athletes aged 13 - 21 years who are travelling to represent the region, state or nation may be eligible to access the Regional Athlete Travel Subsidy Scheme. For further information and guidelines, click HERE
The KidSport program is delivered by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries in partnership with the Shire of Plantagenet.
Information for Families
Do you have a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card for your child?
KidSport helps eligible children aged 5-18 years with a concession card to cover the cost of club fees or swimming lessons. With vouchers increasing to $500 per eligible child per financial year there's no better time to follow the simple steps to apply!
Apply today in 3 easy steps:
- Check your child is eligible
- Find a KidSport Club
- Apply online
Visit www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/kidsport or call DLGSC on 08 9492 9911 for more information.
Information for Clubs
Help more families and children experience the benefits of community sport by registering with KidSport to become a KidSport Club.
KidSport helps thousands of children each year with the cost of participating in sport. With up to $500 available each financial year for eligible kids, there's no better time to register your club!
Approved KidSport clubs receive:
- promotion on the public Find a KidSport club page
- access to the online KidSport club portal to redeem KidSport vouchers
- access to materials to promote your sport in the community.
Apply today, visit www.dlgsc.wa.gov.au/kidsport/information-for-clubs
Local Clubs
The Shire of Plantagenet Community Directory enables a broad range of groups and services to be found, including sporting clubs and recreational groups.
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries (DLGSC)
DLGSC is promoting participation and achievement in sport and recreation to support a healthy lifestyle for all Western Australians through physical activity Sport and recreation | DLGSC
Funding for sport and recreation
The department provides funding to promote participation and achievement in sport and recreation. Click link below to find out more:
Contact the Great Southern Office
22 Collie Street, Albany WA 6330 | Telephone: (08) 9892 0100
Healthway WA funds sport, arts, community activities, health promotion projects and research to inspire Western Australians, especially young people, to live healthier lives.
They work with local organisations to create healthy activities and events and promote messages about good health throughout Western Australia.
Healthy Sports Program - Healthway
Sports Community
Sports Community provides resources, training and knowledge to volunteers and clubs on how to make their role easier. Check out their website: Home - Sports Community