Tenders Register


CO2-2425 - Carbarup Road - SLK 0 to 14.00 - Widening, Stabilising, and Asphalting, Sealing and Centre-line Marking of Sections of Road

CO3-2425 - Yellanup Road - SLK 19.51 to 23.97 - Road Shoulder Reconditioning and Sealing


CO1-2324 - Carbarup Road - Reconstruction and Widening of Sections of Road


CO1-2223 - Reconstruct sections of Carbarup Road
CO2-2223 - Mowing Services
CO3-2223 - Stabilise & Asphalt Overlay Lowood Road
CO4-2223 - Mt Barker Memorial Pool - Alterations to Mead Street, construct retaining wall and all abilities pathway

CO7-2223 - Panel of Pre-qualified Suppliers for Bushfire Mitigation Activity Fund MAF 2023

CO8-2223 - Panel of Pre-Qualified Suppliers - Vegetation Works.pdf

CO9-2223 - Plantagenet Storm Recovery Essential Public Asset Reconstruction Works (EPAR)


CO1-2122 - Plantagenet Bushfire Fuel Mitigation

CO2-2122 - Project supervision Reinstatement of roads (AGRN 973)

CO3-2122 - Mead Street - Re-alignment and Re-construction

CO4-2122 - Mulching Services

CO5-2122 - Woogenellup Road Stabilising Works

CO6-2122 - Pardelup Road Reconstruction


C01-2021 - Profiling and Stabilisation Services

C02-2021 - Mount Barker Swimming Pool Stage 1A

CO2-2021A - Woogenellup Road - Road Shoulder Reconditioning and Sealing


C01-1920 - Licence of Mount Barker Regional Saleyards Canteen

C02-1920 - Spray Sealing Shire of Plantagenet

C03-1920 - Profiling and Stabilisation Services

C04-1920 - Plantagenet Medical Centre Additions

C05-1920 - Construction of Stormwater Drainage - Hassell Street, Mount Barker

C07-1920 - Replacement of Corporate Business System software