Australian Citizenship

Citizenship Procedures

The Shire of Plantagenet conducts citizenship ceremonies on behalf of the Department of Home Affairs.  Citizenship ceremonies are conducted throughout the year in conjunction with Council meetings or as part of special celebrations on Australia Day.

Applications for Citizenship can be made at your local Post Office. The turnaround time between application and the Shire receiving the certificate for presentation is about six weeks. Upon receipt of the certificate, the Shire will contact the person to arrange the formal ceremony.

To become an Australian citizen you are required to fill out an application package, which you can obtain from the Department of Home Affairs. Any questions relating to the forms need to be directed to the Department of Home Affairs, as they process all the citizenship forms.

Once the application is approved, you will receive a letter from the Department of Home Affairs  confirming your approval of the citizenship application. The certificates are then sent to Canberra's office to be signed and then sent to the Council. Once the Shire receives the certificate, we will arrange for the applicants to receive their certificates at a formal ceremony. Invitations are sent out prior to the ceremony date, which informs candidates of the location, time and date of ceremony. Applicants may invite a limited number of family/guests to witness their ceremony.

For more information regarding becoming an Australian citizen, please ring Department of Home Affairs on 131 880  Email: [email protected] or visit their web site at

Grants of Australian Citizenship

"The requirement for grants of Australian Citizenship are that:

  • They are permanent residents;
  • Have lived in Australia as a permanent resident for a total of two years in the previous five years, including a total of 12 months in the 2 years immediately preceding the date of application;
  • Are able to understand the nature of the application;
  • Are of good character;
  • Have a basic knowledge of English;
  • Have an adequate knowledge of the responsibilities and privileges of citizenship; and
  • Are likely to reside in, or to maintain a close and continuing association with Australia if granted citizenship."

Responsibility and Privileges of Citizenship

"All Australian citizens, are subject to the same responsibilities and privileges of citizenship. These include:

  • Obeying Australian law;
  • Enrolling on the Electoral Register and voting at Federal and State elections and at all referendums;
  • Serving on a jury if called on to do so;
  • Defending Australia, should the need arise;
  • Equality of rights under Australian law;
  • The rights to apply for appointment to any public office or to nominate to stand for election as a member of Parliament;
  • The right to apply for an Australian passport;
  • The right to claim protection by Australian diplomatic representatives while overseas;
  • Eligibility to apply to enlist in the defence forces and to apply for government jobs for which Australian citizenship is required;
  • The right to register a child born overseas as an Australian citizen by descent; and
  • The right to re-enter Australia without a re-entry visa, if they travel abroad."

Source: Australian Citizenship Ceremonies 1998, A Handbook for Local Government produced by the Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs.