Council Meetings

Shire of Plantagenet Council Meetings

All ordinary meetings of the Council shall commence at 5.00pm and be held in the Council Chambers, Lowood Road Mount Barker. The meetings for February to December 2024 will be held on the following dates:

  • Tuesday 27 February 2024
  • Tuesday 26 March 2024
  • Tuesday 23 April 2024
  • Tuesday 28 May 2024
  • Tuesday 25 June 2024
  • Tuesday 23 July 2024
  • Tuesday 27 August 2024
  • Tuesday 24 September 2024
  • Tuesday 22 October 2024
  • Tuesday 26 November 2024
  • Tuesday 17 December 2024

Click the link below to view all past council minutes.

Past Council Meetings

Guidelines for Public attendance at Council Meetings

Members of the public are entitled to attend any of the Ordinary and Special Meetings of Council which are scheduled and advertised throughout the year. The following is a guide to assist members of the public in how to conduct themselves during the meeting.

  • Agendas for Council Meetings are posted on the Council’s website at least three days prior to the Council Meeting. There are limited paper copies available at the Library and the Shire on the day and therefore you are encouraged to download an electronic copy or bring your own hard copy.
  • The Council meeting starts promptly at 5.00pm and members of the public will be invited to enter the Chambers.
  • The Shire President will open the meeting and emergency evacuation details will be read.
  • Members of the public are required to be seated and to remain quiet for the duration of the meeting. Other than during Public Question Time or Petitions/Presentations, members of the public may leave and return to the Chamber throughout the meeting.
  • Confidential matters of the Council (‘Go Behind Closed Doors’).
  • Should the Shire President announce that the meeting is required to ‘Go Behind Closed Doors’ to deal with a confidential matter, the public will be asked to leave the meeting however may return when permitted.

Asking Questions

Public Question Time is the first business to be attended to. Each member of the public will be given fair opportunity to ask a question.

If you wish to address the Council and ask a question please note the Council would appreciate the completion of this form (also provided in the foyer) and given to either the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Officer prior to the meeting. This will assist the Council with its records when spelling your name and correctly recording the nature of your question:

  • Proceed to the lectern when the opportunity is presented.
  • State your name, who you represent and then ask your question. You may only direct your question to the Shire President.
  • The Shire President or Chief Executive Officer may or may not give a response immediately. However there will not be a debate on the answers to questions.
  • Some questions are ‘taken on notice’ so that investigations are made and answers given to the person in question and recorded at the next Council meeting.


An opportunity for presentations is available at Council meetings. Similar to Public Question Time, members of the public will be invited to the lectern to speak. It would be appreciated if this form (also provided in the foyer) can be completed and given to the Chief Executive Officer or Executive Officer prior to the meeting.

If you wish your presentation to be included in the minutes of the meeting, you will need to email (within 24 hours following the meeting) or hand a hard copy of your presentation to the Executive Officer, Nolene Wake, on the day. If we do not have a printed record of your presentation, the minutes will only reflect your attendance and the subject of your address to the Council. We do not record minutes of the meeting verbatim.


 Petitions may be provided to the Council at Council meetings, or otherwise sent direct to the Shire at 22-24 Lowood Road (PO Box 48) Mount Barker WA 6324. In order to be effective, a petition is to:

  • Be addressed to the President.
  • Be made by electors of the district.
  • State the request on each page of the petition.
  • Contain the names, addresses and signatures of the electors making the request, and the date each elector signed.
  • Contain a summary of the reasons for the request.
  • State the name and address of the petition holder for a response to be given.

Electronic versions of presentations are appreciated and can be emailed to the Executive Officer - [email protected]

Council Meeting Dates

Meeting Details

Ordinary Meeting of Council 23 July 2024 - 5.00pm

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

View Meeting Details

Annual General Meeting of Electors - Tuesday 23 July 2024 - 6.30pm

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

View Meeting Details